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我们 SinYing Group 

【最强年轻90‘00’后团队 】U Plus 平台欢迎你们加入????帮助你们完成梦想是我们的使命????????????

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选择U Plus,迈向高峰,实现您心中的梦想!✨

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(Group Manager)

Hi , good day . I'm KK Wong , a licensed professional real estate negotiator with more than 5 years in Klang Valley market . Assist more than 190 customers to own their dream house within property analytic tools . Focus on area Setapak , WangsaMaju , Sentul , Titiwangsa and Cheras Help client to get easy loan approval and get the best interest rate .

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(Team Manager)


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(Team Manager)

Hi, I’m Vanness Gan. Am a professional property consultant with 4 years experience in real estate industry. My purpose is to help my customer get their dream house with their preference location and budget. Mainly focusing on Klang Valley project which include Setapak, Wangsa Maju, Titiwangsa, Sentul, Kepong and many more. Help client to get 99% loan approval and best interest rate .

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(Team Manager)

Im Kenny Here, 4 Year Experience in Real Estate Industry, provided Professional Service more than 400+ Customer to own their dream house Surrounding Area Setapak ,Wangsa Maju ,Sentul and Titiwangsa . Help client to get easy loan approval and get the better interest rate .

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(Team Manager)

Hi I’m Shawn here 2 year experience in Real Estate Industry, The best service to customers and help customers solve all loan problems. Focusing Klang Valley project on Setapak, Wangsa Maju, Sentul, titiwangsa, & Other KL Area. I alway help my client to get easy loan approval and get the low interest rate .

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(Property Consultant)

Hi,here is Wen Xin. Im property consultant provides professional consultation & loan checking to client. I was graduated from TARUC with Degree in Finance. Hence,have some knowledge about financial planning & investment. I mainly focus on New properties at Setapak,Sentul,Titiwangsa,Cheras,Wangsa Maju & other areas .I give good consult to my client to get fast loan approval and get the lower interest rate .

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(Property Consultant)

Ventus, this is how most people addressed me. Ventus, In Latin, it means “wind” by which i wish to serve my client as speedy as wind. I was also integrated by skills and knowledge like how wind blended with each other and resulting in tornado to help my clients establish most proper selection of property experiences. Last but not least, i opt to make my client feel satisfied with my service and smile like the curvature of wind.

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Alvin Gan

(Property Consultant)

HI , i am Alvin Gan . A professional Senior Real Estate Consultant with focusing on Area Sentul , Setapak . With 1 year experience , i have successful help around 90 Customer to own their dream hosue . My mission is to provide a One Stop Service to Customer , From Pre-Loan Access , project Analysis , until settling customer loan , to help customer success to purchase their dream house .

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Juan Siang

(Property Consultant)

Hi , I am Juan Siang , I am major in Bio Chemistry , Property industy is my dream career because i would like to provide an excellent real estate experience for buyer & my mission is to find them an ideal home for family . I have successful help more than 80 Customers to own their property & i will keep my momentum , utilise my skills & knowledge in the industry to help each of my client to fulfil their needs & wants during their property survey journey .

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